Monday, March 28, 2016

My little monk: Finds happiness in maroon robe

Happiness in maroon robe
He is the youngest of seven siblings born to the humble family at Phagchok. Karma Wangchuk wears an innocent smile on his oval shaped face. One can see a positive energy and a never ending enthusiasm in him. Active and intelligent, he topped all his classes from PP till fourth standard. He would participate in every co-curricular activities that his school conducts and begged quite a numbers of certificates. Humble in his characters, he gained the attention of teachers for his excellence in academics and other activities.
With his friends at Phagchok Gonpa

At times he would amaze me with his fast mathematical calculations and the fluency in English language even at his 2nd grade. He would always express his dreams of becoming civil engineer and the writer. I as a brother too had strong faith in him and I had no doubt about his potential in the pursuance of his aspired dreams. He is such an enthusiastic and zealous learner. And to my pride he is a good dancer and performs mask dances too. I know he led his team in performing mask dances in few national celebrations at his school. A 10 years old child performing mask dances in the public with his seniors would gain the attention of the mass.
Under the eminent patronage of Phagchok Lama Rinpoche and Khenpo Namdhag Phuntshog, the establishment of Shedra Thoesam Nyinjeyling did happen with few numbers of monks as first batch of enrollment. After the consecration of Shedra by H.E Dungsey Garab Rinpoche, there came many young students to get enrolled as monks in the Shedra. He too decided by his own will to join the Shedra and pursue his lifelong religious aspirations. His abrupt and sudden change in the decision shocked me, but on the other hand I was more than happy for his decision.
With Khenpo Namdhag Phuentshog

As a brother I asked him, “Won’t you ever regret for leaving the school?” As always he grins wholeheartedly and thoughtfully gave me a respond, “God had decided for me to be a humble lifelong monk, I won’t regret”. I find him happier than ever before as a little monk. With a maroon robe and a shaved head, it gives me an immense pride to see him chant the prayers of goodwill in chorus with other little monks. What made me more proud is upon his commitment to inherit the wisdom of our old learned father who is the village astrologer and the foremost disciple to H.E late Meymey Lama Rinpoche.
Eldest and Youngest:Bond of a brotherhood
A little monk finds his utmost and ultimate happiness in maroon robe and the Buddhist culture. What would make me happier than to see my own little brother following the right track? One day I will see him become a refined human. Someday I will hear his chants of prayers from the heavenly Phagchok Lhakhang like my father did till his late 50s. Someday my father will have no worries about inheritance of his wisdom and knowledge for his own son will take in charge. We are proud of you our dear little great monk.


  1. Beautifully written dear. Keep writing and best wishes.

    1. Thank you dear friend pem dem.My passion keeps me moving,albeit nothing substantial.


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